viernes, 4 de julio de 2008

Web sites

I recommend the web site because it is complete and quick. This website covers other subjects
such as Literature, Music and Arts as well as History. I use this web site because it is connected to my area of studies, History.This web site is a virtual library where you can check information about
historical subjects or events and is open for everybody. It is divided in thematic sites where you can find a general presentation about the differents subjects, images and digital documents that preserve our memory as a country.Also you can visit This is a website of the Center of Bicentenary Studies, which is an institution dedicated to the
research and diffusion of the history of Chile and America. This center publishes the "Chile History Magazine and America"
in the website you can find the news about the last publications of this magazine. This website is useful for those people who know about the different publications that exist about our History.Besides, you can check . This website is a catalogue of the University of Chile. Here you can find books about different
subjects. This website is the most useful one for the students of at the University because with our student cards we can borrow books for free. In this website we can check our account, reserve books, etc. It is very useful! !!!!!!!!

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